New Kid on the block

I'm Lil Miss Katie. I come from Canada!

The New Kid n' Leo

It's we. Leo, Kat, me, and of course... Katie

Ready to go home
Leo- Can we keep her? Can we? Huh? Huh?
Katie - Pweeeeze pweeeze pweeze! I will be good! (She lies a lot)

It's called Sharing

Wait! What? Leash?
Do I look like a dog to you?

The Buds Just Chillin'

Sean Connery. Really!

Leo got him a woman!
Da Winky
Finally! A home I can call my own!
Ok, so what's fur dinner?
I Swear! It wasn't me!
Wasn't me!

Maybe I should have stayed in Pennsylvania.
I'm thinking a lot of sleepless nites ahead.
Thinking about this

Or not...
Oh, Gawd! My hairz a reel reck. MAKEUP!!
Rough Day

Mom's Teechin' me computin'. I iz a pupil.
A lil help here pleeze. I fell up on the couch and kant get down

Ooooh.... Grass!
For smelling, not smoking, kid
Why do they call it a Seal-ing?
They forget to paint seals on it?
Seal Ing

Why Me? I'm really not cut out for this teaching crap.
Why Me?  Hiding

Nap Time
Nap Time   Double Luvins

Day Care
Spring do
About the Coton De Tulear